The Latest in Kod: A Period of Transition
Tags: Nonfiction Update AbleOS Icecream
I'm transitioning from useless shut-in to working adult; and the transition has brought me much anxiety and excitement. That's pretty much the end of my thoughts on that.
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Here's what I've been up to
Work on Icecream
I doubt I'm gonna move this website off of hugo anytime soon but there are a few pain points that I experience. Namely the templating language. More details about it soon but I've started work on Lisp-based SSG that I'm tentatively naming Icecream or just Ic for short.
The vision is that rather than using a sort of weird pseudo-language you can just use a full fledged programming language to produce your pages. With all the flexibility and structure that offers. Not only that but a lisp! Which offers even more flexibility and simplicity
Work on AbleOS
If I am to be completely honest, I was kind of nerd-sniped into working on this project but I don't really regret it. The project is quite unique in a lot of aspects. It's a modern non-POSIX OS; it's very much against the grain. The original author thinks that a usable OS is possible in the future. I say if he keeps up his nerdsniping streak; it's almost a gurantee.
I'm pretty excited about the project as a whole. I'll probably be writing about it a whole bunch on here.
Work on self-hosting
The dream of every nerd is to eventually have their own server to do capital T Things with them. For me, I'm running out of ebook space and I need somewhere to put them. For this purpose, "minotaur" has been revived from the dead as "hestia"; the shining light for all my other computer systems.
I plan to actually set it up for use as network share and media server t his weekend. I'll write a post here about the process, hopefully.
Also Coming Soon-ish to this blog
- Some work on a custom chat client
- A revival of an old dead project
- Some insane ramblings about category theory