This is Kodrants; a website where I rant about anything and everything. I may also post short fiction on here sometimes, thought I might not. Who knows! How exciting! See what I’m up to right now on the now page

Who is this and why are you in my computer?

The piece of software you are using is called a web browser and the page you’re on is called a website. I only found this out like, yesterday, but apparently computers can connect to each other for the purposes of exchanging information. Wicked right?

As for who I am; I am Talha Qamar, aka “Kodin”, and I’m a game developer, and also just regular software developer sometimes. I’ve been doing it for quite a while now; I hope I’m good at it

Talha Qamar

A 17 year old game developer with a lot of opinions and not enough time to care about them